The steel making industry produces a large amount of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) dust, as part of normal manufacturing processes. The EPA has labeled this type of waste K061, and defines it as the “emission control dust/sludge from the primary production of steel in electrical furnaces”, which results in high zinc levels in non-wastewater (anything over 15%).
Steel facilities store, and sometimes treat, production dust, primarily K061, in order to lower the cost of waste management through waste accumulation. If generators are not able to store waste to facilitate transportation and treatment, off-site stabilization is possible only if waste were to be removed immediately after generation.
Let us be your total treatment solution for long-term stability.
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Case Studies
Former Industrial Operations Site – Mid Atlantic
Development and implementation of a stabilization approach to treat marsh area formerly used as a shooting range.
Southeast Ferrous Foundry
A ferrous foundry, located in the Southeast, has been using EnviroBlend CS Bulk and super sacks to treat lead and cadmium-contaminated dust from the cupola furnace for over 15 years. EnviroBlend is added in-line [...]
Southern US Ferrous Foundry
A ferrous foundry located in the southern US switched its heavy-metal waste treatment reagents from Bantox to EnviroBlend CS. EnviroBlend now helps them annually treat over 500 tons of lead and cadmium-contaminated ferrous dust [...]